4 Worked Interview Questions with Answers for Dental Interviews

Question 1: Ethical Dilemma

Scenario: You are a dental student on a clinical placement. One of your classmates tells you that they have been falsifying patient records because they felt pressured to show more completed procedures. What do you do?

Tips and Clues:

  • Think about the 4 principles of medical ethics: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice (make sure you can understand and relay this to the examiner).
  • Consider the implications for patient safety and trust- what would be the negative outcomes if the trust is lost?
  • Reflect on the professional responsibilities of a dental student and future dentist.

Suggested Readings:

  • General Dental Council (GDC) Standards for the Dental Team.
  • Ethical guidelines from the British Dental Association (BDA).
  • Articles on ethical decision-making in healthcare.

How to answer:

  • Have an immediate response. Express concern to your classmate and say something like “I understand the pressure you’re under, but falsifying records is serious and can harm patients.” It is important to address these issues with the individual at fault before scaling up the response to a supervisor. 
  • Address patient safety. You should emphasize that patient safety and trust are paramount. Falsifying records can lead to improper treatment plans and harm to patients.
  • Professional Responsibility: Highlight the duty to maintain accurate records and uphold professional standards.
  • Resolvent. Advise your classmate to come clean and correct the records. If they refuse, you must report the issue to a supervisor or clinical tutor, as patient safety cannot be compromised. 

Question 2: Communication Skills

Scenario: Explain to a patient who is afraid of dental procedures why it is important to maintain regular dental check-ups and how you would help them overcome their fear.

Tips and Clues:

  • Use empathetic communication.
  • Explain the benefits of regular check-ups.
  • Address the patient’s fears and offer practical solutions.

Suggested Readings:

  • Articles on communication in healthcare.
  • Books on patient-centered care in dentistry.
  • Resources on managing dental anxiety.

How to answer:

  • Empathetic communication. Begin answering by showing you have empathy, say something such as, “I understand that dental visits can be daunting, but I’m here to help you feel comfortable and safe”. 
  • Regular check ups. Explain the benefits: “Regular check-ups help prevent serious issues like tooth decay and gum disease, which can cause pain and more invasive treatments if left unchecked.”
  • Addressing the patients anxiety. “Many people feel anxious about dental visits, but we have techniques to make the experience as pleasant as possible. We can go at your own pace and at any point your welcome to raise your hand and stop us”. Its important to offer the patient options and encourage open communication. The goal is too build trust and rapport with the patient. 

Question 3: Teamwork Scenario

Scenario: Describe a time when you worked as part of a team to achieve a common goal. What was your role, and what did you learn from the experience?

Tips and Clues:

  • Reflect on experiences from school, extracurricular activities, or work.
  • Focus on your specific contributions and the outcomes.
  • Highlight teamwork, communication, and leadership skills.

Suggested Readings:

  • Articles on effective teamwork in healthcare.
  • Books on leadership and team dynamics.

How to answer:

  • Set the scene. “During my final year of school, I was part of a team organizing a charity fundraiser.”
  • Your role. Explain your role: “I was responsible for coordinating the marketing efforts, ensuring we reached our target audience.”
  • Actions taken. Explain your actions: “I organized a social media campaign and collaborated with local businesses for sponsorships.”
  • Highlight the team dynamics. “We held regular meetings to update each other, delegated tasks based on strengths, and supported one another through challenges.”
  • Highlight the outcome. The event was a success, raising over £2,000 for the charity.”
  • Reflect on the experience. “I learned the importance of clear communication, the value of diverse perspectives, and how effective teamwork can achieve great results.”.
  • Say why it is important in Dentistry. “Teamwork is crucial for effective and safe practice. During work experience I noticed the consistent communication between the nurse and operating dentist. This kept them both updated and provided safety in the treatment I was watching”.

Question 4: Motivation and Commitment

Scenario: Why do you want to pursue a career in dentistry, and what steps have you taken to prepare for this career?

Tips and Clues:

  • Reflect on personal experiences and motivations.
  • Highlight any relevant experiences, such as shadowing, volunteer work, or coursework.
  • Be honest and specific about your reasons for choosing dentistry.

Suggested Readings:

  • Personal statements or essays from successful dental school applicants.
  • Articles on the qualities of a good dentist.
  • Information about the dental profession from the British Dental Association (BDA).

How to answer:

  • Personal motivation. Begin with your personal motivation, develop your answer before the interview as you’ll likely be asked this it’s a common interview question. E.g a simplified answer could be: “”I’ve always been fascinated by healthcare and the opportunity to make a direct impact on people’s lives. Dentistry, in particular, appeals to me because of the blend of science, art, and patient care.”
  • Relevant experiences. This will be tailored to your personal experiences, an example could be: “To explore this interest, I shadowed a local dentist for several months, which gave me insight into the daily responsibilities and patient interactions. I also volunteered at a community health clinic, where I helped educate patients on oral hygiene.”
  • Academic preparation. Again, this is based on your personal relevant experience: “I’ve taken relevant coursework, such as biology and chemistry, and have excelled in these subjects achieving top marks during mock exams. Additionally, I attended a summer program focused on dental techniques and practices, which solidified my interest in the field.”
  • Skills and attributes. Mention the relevant skills you have been developing: “Through ‘X’ experiences, I’ve developed strong communication skills, empathy, and manual dexterity, all of which are essential for a career in dentistry.”
  • Long term goals. What are your long-term goals for a career in the profession?  “Ultimately, I aim to specialize in pediatric dentistry, as I have a passion for working with children and educating them on the importance of oral health from a young age.”
  • End with a conclusion of these points. Examiners love summarization.

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